"Healthy Communication When All You Want Is Control"


Certified Relationship & Intimacy Coach

With a background in education and human sexuality, Katie teaches her clients the art of connection and how to cultivate healthier relationships and emotional wellness through vulnerability. She got her start teaching the erotic feminine body and movement back in 2008, and continued down the path of emotional wellness and sexual empowerment with ferocity. She coaches through a combination of effective communication tools, education of masculine/feminine dynamics, and guiding her clients through the process of desire and expression.


Katie currently teaches workshops and works with both couples and singles looking to have more satisfaction, range, and depth in their emotional and physically intimate relationships. More than anything Katie strives to Empower her clients in their deepest desires, the approval to own them with total permission, and the tools to express them in a healthy way.



IG: https://www.instagram.com/katiehenricks.coach

          Katie currently teaches workshops and works with both couples and singles looking to
          have more satisfaction, range, and depth in their emotional and physically intimate
          relationships. More than anything, Katie strive to empower her clients.


          in their deepest desires, the approval to own them with total permission, and the tools to express them in a healthy way.


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          © The Course for Brides All Rights Reseved.